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Reclaim Your F.I.R.E. with Angela Noelle

Oct 11, 2023

Hello everyone!  Welcome to Episode 117.  Have you ever committed to healing and tried something new, only to realize that it didn't work for you?  I know I can relate and my guest, Jennifer Waters and I suspected that many people wind up in this boat.  So, I decided to have Jen on again and continue the conversation on healing as part of the Healing Series interviews.

In this Episode, Jen and I discuss how to heal when healing feels overwhelming and unattainable Jen generously and openly shares a further glimpse of her story and her process of healing from all of it.  

If you are someone who may feel that you've tried everything to heal, or if others may have an advantage over you when it comes to healing, or, if you want to heal and you need an attainable and easy method, this episode is for you. 

To learn more about Jen's new company, Dogkind Candle Company, check out: or to learn more about Jen, go to:

Or, find Jen and Dogkind on Facebook:

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So...stay tuned!  


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